about the artist

about the artist

always watch the ocean with a soft alertness,
full of care
study her, as if you could learn her most intimately,
watch each wave
knowing it will break
it will break and it will
break and
it will


your heart

scoured limestone bone and
moon's pull,
this fragile line of salt
is our witness.

I have a long love affair with process and alchemy, with the transformation of raw materials and the magic and wonder that falls out from that. I take as much pleasure from the magic of flour, water, time and heat becoming sourdough bread as I do with making things with clay. Whether I’m creating with precious metals, clay, paint, natural weaving materials, found objects, fabric or wool to be felted, it is always this process of transformation that so captivates me. Making is work of the soul.

I want to invite you to linger by the rockpool, to lose time. I want to stir you to look up and greet the luscious body of the moon in the deep night, to wonder at the miracle of the tiny mushroom bursting into life from damp earth. To re-mind you that we are a part of this world – not apart from her.

Perhaps the things I make can be an invitation for you to come home to your own self and to the peace of wild places.